03/28/23 - Mo' Money Mo' Problems


03/28/23 - Mo' Money Mo' Problems



Greetings all! I wanted to make this post to speak about something a little touchy when it comes to sex work. Well actually it's kinda touchy in general. However as per usual, I have another perspective to offer on this. Sex work has undoubtedly shifted my view of money. I have a never-ending thirst for it and enough seems to never be enough. While also, clutching it profusely not wanting it to leave my hands and then when it does pray it comes back multiplied. For anyone who knows what history teaches us it's that too much of a good thing can inevitably turn into something bad. To quote the ancient Greek Fablist Aesop "It is possible to have too much of a good thing." In the thick of hustling and grinding it is so vital to keep yourself grounded. Seeing money exactly for what it is... a TOOL, will anchor you to sensibility. You won't become overpowered by money if you remember that one rule. So many people at this time in this world are way too jaded and seduced by money. Forgetting it as a tool and instead seeing it as this glamorized glitzy entity that entitles them to do whatever it is they please. I've been guilty of it too in the past don't get me wrong! However I've learned balance is so necessary when it comes to finances and financial stability. I'll never forget at 19 years old working two jobs and having a "friend" at the time throw it in my face when I didn't have extra funds for food. Or being in the store wanting something and that person loudly asking "How are you going to pay for that?!" I was sometimes short on splitting food and these "friends" of mine at the time would cover but then give me an earful, despite saying I would pay them back! I remember saying to myself that when I had the extra money I'd treat those close to me and would NEVER EVER throw it in their face that I'm helping them out. You don't buy someone a dollar taco just to chastise them afterwards. I knew I would never conditionally cover someone as I had been in the past. Money does funny things to people... It can be as helpful as you need it to be or it could be harmful. It can impair your vision like you would not believe. Sex work has made me less likely to borrow any money to anybody. I've never been big on asking anybody to borrow me money, even though that maneuver has been practiced around me for as long as I can remember. It's never been my go-to. Anytime I've ever needed anything my first call to action was to make it happen. What can I do in order to obtain this money? I've always had the drive to make it my first thought. In my Sagittarian eyes asking anybody for money was almost an act of submission. Now being in the work field I am in, I always had this underlying understanding that money is IMPLIED never EVER asked for. You don't ASK your price you share it, end of story. As a sex worker it's part of your business, and based on MY experience, your business isn't a pawn shop. Negotiating is OUT of the question! So yes, money can take you exactly where you need to go so long as you let it. Do not get obstructed by it. See it for exactly what it is, a TOOL!


The One, The Only
Naudia Exotica


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