10/09/24 - The Mystical Peculiarity
10/09/24 - The Mystical Peculiarity It's in the month of October that we acknowledge the ever-so generous whimsy this life has to offer. Despite being tied down to the most mundane tasks, people still feel those nostalgic emotions Autumn & Halloween extend to us. You can dislike Halloween all you want, however you cannot deny that this time of year comes with it's own unique lingering impression. In ancient Greek mythology, Persephone departs back into the underworld come Autumn Equinox. Leaving behind this mortal plane of existence. Cascading leaves start to change colors, a crisp wind caresses your warm face. Rain reappears once more. It's undeniably my favorite time of the year. I am sure as you're reading this you're thinking "Why does this dumb broad enjoy Halloween so much, when she dresses like it all year 'round?!" Well now, the answer to that is quite simple! It's always held a special place in my heart regardless of the aesthetics!