06/02/22 - Call Of The Sea


06/02/22 - Call Of The Sea


I've been at the beautiful northern coast of California for the past two days. The last time I was out here was a year ago (to the day, which I'm aware of because of Snapchat's memories feature) and it still remains beautiful in all its glory. I will say, the ocean is such a wonderful emotional and spiritual reset. How can you not instantly think of magic upon first glance of the sea?! Just walking on the wet sand, the coldness making contact with your toes, and the damp salty breeze filling your lungs. It's an entire cleanse of the spirit and your aura. Walking alongside the shore is a cleansing ritual in and of itself! For a good hour out of each day I was there, I would sit cross legged on a high sand dune - looking down at the beach with my incense lit just taking it all in. I happened to thrift this corked bottle and decided I needed to fill it with sand and take it home with me. After the last few chaotic weeks I've endured this was a much needed excursion! I love this private beach and it's basically our backyard when we stay up here. It's less than a two minute walk from this coast cabin my great aunt & uncle have been taking me to since I was a child! I've managed to make some progress on my book I've been writing. Sometimes even two paragraphs is an accomplishment, and I've noticed it's coming so naturally!! I've come home today Thursday the 2nd, and will be taking another short trip more south to Watsonville Saturday-Sunday! A friend of mine invited me to some friends of her's graduation get-together! I will be posting a Youtube video soon!


The One, The Only
Naudia Exotica


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