11/5/23 - The Badly Behaved Mischief-Maker Naudia Exotica
Wandering down memory lane can have its ups and downs can't it? It seems in my late 20's I'm doing a lot of that. Lots of reflection and reminiscing which inspires a vast array of different emotions. Some painfully treacherous, and some rewardingly fervorous. It's unbelievable to me that there are adults my age and older who fear doing this very thing. Who are not equipped to handle their own emotions, or analyzing their past actions. They'd much rather immerse themselves in their own bad habits than to ever give thought to their previous hardships. It's painful to think about yes, but the benefits of having dissected each and every aching memory far outweigh the affects of suppression. You owe it to yourself to confront your past, come to terms with it and make the best of your findings. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having to own up to stuff that you've done, or acknowledging you could have handled yourself better in certain circumstances. You become a much better person for it. Throughout my life I've always been the first to say "I'm sorry" or even own up to things I may or may not have done just to amend things properly. However for whatever reason, people are so scared of looking shameful or of having to confess their fuck ups. It's a bit strange if you ask me, in my eyes - extending out an apology first is far more admirable. It isn't easy and it may not be pleasant at first, but if nothing else at least you get to say "I tried." Attached is a picture of me at 16 years old at my continuation school. My eyebrows were up to my forehead and bedazzled leopard print ipod touch was in tow. The bathrooms were a safety hazard with graffiti etched into the mirror and all. Completely misguided and disorderly; always looking for trouble. I'll leave you off with this. Looking back isn't easy and my past got a bit ugly at times but I'm seriously so grateful that I've come so far from it.
The One, The Only
Naudia Exotica
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