12/31/21 - Demonizing/Patronizing Femininity

 12/31/21 - Demonizing/Patronizing Femininity

Something that has been on my mind lately is femininity. From the different ways it can be embodied, portrayed, and all that it encompasses. There's such rich beauty in femininity and being hyper-feminine. There's a multitude of spiritual facets that femininity possesses. It is so groundbreakingly rooted in POWER. Femininity has the ability to heal, to showcase beauty, to entrance and seduce, to teach, to harness and feel raw emotions. It's so incredibly POWERFUL in fact, that all throughout history it's been PATRONIZED and CRITICIZED. We've seen this done to women in history who possessed talents, incredible wit, who owned property, who were midwives. Women who harnessed and utilized their sexuality. Along with femininity comes stereotypes of all sorts. Ever notice how anyone embodying a feminine nature gets scrutinized and made fun of? They're too soft, or too emotional - or maybe not of the "norm"? I feel bad for those who are so automatically threatened by femininity, because in all actuality what they are afraid of is a POWER THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT. A power that is so foreign to them they innately want to destroy or belittle it. So if you happen to be hyper feminine, or so naturally in touch with your femininity, CHERISH it. You've been given a spiritual gift. Never let people who don't understand cloud your perception. You have a unique quality custom fit to your spirit. It is more powerful than words can describe! We only have to look at the belief and concept of divine femininity to know this. The beautiful practice of acknowledging the counterpart of the overly conditioned and pushed DIVINE MASCULINITY. So embody it and don't ever lose touch with it. EXPLORE it and learn how to utilize it FOR THE BETTER! Only utilize it for positive means of course.

The One, The Only
Naudia Exotica


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