5/12/23 - Seek The Beauty Amongst The Chaos
Hello dear friends! I hope all is well in your world, and you've been able to detach from the mundane perpetual mayhem that the media has to offer! Gosh I never watch the news, and obviously for good reason! Deliberately avoiding anything remotely close to politics or the polarizing hatred that is blatantly pushed! But even so, if you don't someone in your life does! Working on the internet has basically made it damn near impossible to avoid! Advertisements, video previews etc. It's unavoidable at times, and sometimes you hear things unwillingly. I just have to point out that at times it can be poisonous to your psyche. Very mentally and emotionally taxing! Even if you don't think it is, you never know what you will subconsciously attach yourself to! Which is why I am so grateful for my spiritual thirst! A thirst so desertic I will never grow tired of learning new things or seeking new spiritual philosophies. Which has always been a wonderful topic to divert my attention to, drawing me away from the lethargic daily happenings. So in the midst of all this disgusting quotidian turmoil, check in with yourself. Don't only nurture yourself but also SEEK the BEAUTY amongst the entropy! There's always a silver lining no matter how dire or detrimental the situation. So if you are to find yourself emotionally fried because of the things being shoved in your face, might I suggest you detach! Find an outlet that will serve your highest good. We're in such a pivotal time at the moment. Hate is so very rampant and thriving. It's so crucial to counteract and diffuse it in the healthiest way possible. CONTINUE to exist, in your BEST form. SHOWCASE all your strength & your glory! Without a single REGARD to those whom oppose you!
The One, The Only
Naudia Exotica
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